Watch Straps were something I found quite illusive. I put off learning them for many months, even after seeing fellow makers create beautiful pieces.
However, from around November to December of last year, most of my days were spent watching multiple videos, taking notes, looking at images and asking questions regarding everything watch strap oriented.
From understanding thicknesses, linings, reinforcement, lug widths, tapering, skiving in certain areas, just to name a few aspects of this process. I will now explain how I felt I had figured out the fundementals of this product, using examples beneath.
The first example is one of the videos by Victorio Projects, listed here. An extremely talented craftsman from Russia, who produces very elequent products, using clean, crisp photograhy and cinematic videos; this video is what gave me a solid foundation to build upon. I suggest you take a look at his work if you want to understand 'fine leather work.'
I'd like to mention that a lot of crafters are not generous with their 'know-how' when it comes to Leather Craft and for good reason. It's understandable. Why would you want to give away information to a potential competitor who hasn't paid their dues when it comes to having access to information that seperates you from them? You wouldn't.
However, when a fellow creator is openly helpful with their knowledge and their products are something you wish to emulate; then it's something to be very grateful for. You should be polite when asking for such information, as they are doing you a favour.
After some more tweaking of my prototypes, thanks to another video by Watch Advisor showing how Hermès makes there watch strap, I had my patterns figured out.
I then reached out to a cutting forme manufacturer in Northampton called 'Fast Finish' who I highly recommend. Their turn around time and product is second to none. I had my basic dies made up for the template of the strap and then the strap dies for the different widths.

Strap, Buckle and Keeper Parts.
Ready for Assembly.

Hand Stitched Keepers to maximise longevity on this small component.

The Finished Strap.
This outcome of this gave me a great deal of satisfaction and it looks phenomal... especially on the wrist.
More straps to come soon!